Kicking and Screaming

Created by Sheila 4 months ago
In the early 1980s, Mike gathered a few of us together at Torch Trust and explained that computers needed to be introduced to grow our work and make it more efficient. !Oh no," I thought. The two things I'd felt sure I didn't want to get involved in after leaving school were typing and computers. I'd already had to do a fair bit of typing, but computers - no, not for me. Mike went on to let us know that braille could be produced much faster by computer than with the very labour intensive methods we were then using. I could see this was no doubt the case, so I generously agreed to proofread any braille produced but would steer well clear of those scarey PCs. Well, braille started to be produced and it wasn't good! I quickly realised the need to understand the computer process to get the standard of braille we wanted, so I swallowed my apprehensions and started getting on with it. I won't say it was easy, but Mike patiently guided us through the process. I had to admit it was indeed a better way of getting more braille done more quickly. As time went on, beter computer programs became available and we can now use the same core file for either braille of various point sizes of large print, saving a huge amount of work. I'm grateful that Mike started me on this road I had thought I'd never want to travel.